1. There is a music theory placement test and I don't know triads
2. It is a very good thing I am changing my major, because honestly I love my Media and Society class.
3. English and Italian diction is gonna take dedication and insanity.
4. I have no idea who John Jacob Niles is....but I will by the end of September.
5. Free food on campus is always nice even if there's a line.
6. Never decide to work out with Zach.
7. Freshman 15 won't happen to me because of #6
8. Tears are pointless.
9. I should go on dates, but oh yeah, not my call........hint hint boys
10. I am not in High School anymore. Thanks.
All of you back home, I'm doin fine. Just a bit sore cuz I did nothing hard all summer but lift boxes.
Night All.