Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh the pain.

Today has been painful. In more than one sense of the word. I didn't get to go hope between 6:20 AM and 10 PM I had choir concerts all afternoon and I am required to wear heels to pretend I'm the tallest girl in Chamber...Lame. Needless to say my feet are killing me all the way up my shins. I faceplanted off the steps backstage also, luckily over the years I have learned how to fall correctly haha.
Today was free drink day at harts....I elected to get Cherry Coke, which really isn't the best choice for memories sake but whatever. So emotional damage a bit.
I have written lyrics for the first time in a while. They are about a friend of mine and the feelings between us after he cussed me out for no reason. They are actually rather good, and since then we have fixed our friendship a bit and he even read the lyrics and knows how I feel even though I don't say it.
Dear NG decided to ask me today about a certain boy and if I still like him, I'm happy to say it wasn't an immediate yes, but I could not honestly sincerely say NO. My bad for being a failure at moving on. I'm trying to get the mindset that boys really don't matter, but that's kinda failing but oh well I'll just fake it till I make it.
Yay one more concert tomorrow. Oh the joy......

oh happy day...

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