Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Most normal people....

Most normal people wouldn't mind that school is over
Most normal people would have something to do today
Most normal people have some idea of what they are doing this summer
Most normal people would not be alone at home writing on a blog when they could be out
Most normal people are not me.
My family has three cars but currently all of them are not home everyone in my family has a job except me
My plans for summer fell through when I found that registration for Young Ambassadors Camp was completely full...
I'm bone tired and wish I had something to do, but I don't.....lame me!
blah.  Dearest Kneaders, your food is great and so was the company, but I probably shouldn't have eaten all that early in the morning  oh well  :)
School is basically out!!!
I'm not going tomorrow!!
Thursday I just have to sing and that's it!!!
Maybe I'll do something fun with........this week!

Oh happy day!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


so sleeping in contacts for a week is not a good option. when you take them out it feels worse than when they were in.  I didn't feel like putting in new ones this morning so i'm a slacker.  So i miss people....I spent saturday through monday with people i either have nothing in common with or, nope that's it....even on sunday (in my own ward) This is the day that i need a hug. just because i miss life and people.
i have just decided that i should start writing lyrics again. and then i should get help finishing it up and maybe actually finish a song.....
I haven't written for so long! no i am not going to recap prom because it's basically extremely dear to me and i don't feel like sharing it with the whole world....even though sharing is good.                    ps I loved it!!
I look terrible. i'm wearing ripped shoes and a huge jacket it's called laziness  but my hair is nice cuz i used my sisters nice shampoo.  oooo

oh........happy day

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nicknames (and other ramblings of course!)

What is with the nicknames of today?  I really don't get the logic from some people!  I Have several nicknames as it were. Namely: d'liss, shorty, delicious etc. but there are some that are unexplainable! such as: sweet caroline and butter dish.  both of those have stories behind them, but neither one is really a suitable nickname!  I mean my boyfriend is the one who calls me butter dish....he says it's a term of endearment, but i know the truth!  He is just making fun of me in a 'nice' way....a butter dish fell on my foot and shattered (if you were wondering). The other comes from a teacher who works at the high school who 'forgot' my name and decided to start singing neil diamond at me every time he sees me....kindof odd.
Yet another nickname I just remembered, Corlissamo...pronounced core-lee-sa-moh.....I promise sincerely that my name is not of italian origin...although being italian would be awesome.
Also I do not understand teenage minds!! contrary to what seems to be popular belief, I am a dork! obviously my blog shows that....too bad no one reads it haha which makes me even dorkier. The kids in Chamber have decided I am doing the scatting solo in our concert, and people apparently keep telling Nate that they love me...I think they are just downright intimidated and refuse to cross either one of us! 

PS I love music! and the music played in Newspaper is amazing everytime! thank you Austin, Alex, Erin and Shauna!! Luv Yer Guts Guys!!!! (except Austin and Alex....cuz that could be odd..ish)

Oh happy day!!!
Love to all!  and of course I'm rambling....it's what I do when nervous....two days!! (til prom)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


....I'm good at photography.
....People like me.
....Singing is something I'm good at.
....I'm not quite as offensive as I think I am.

In reference to my first statement, the reason I say this is that in newspaper this morning we received the results of a competition that we entered.  Mrs. Shelton announced each of our awards individually and I received a first place certificate for my features photography!! I would post the photo but I already decided not to post photos of people I don't really know.
And people have been telling Nate that they love me so apparently I'm not a completely despicable person.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I went to Logan with 'most' of the phantom cast from PG.  That was joyful! that's really all there is to say....I did not go to prom but get to on saturday!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yet again with the early morning newspaper. woot...and Erin has begun the screaming haha
Erin is hilarious. she picks fun music and is extremely animated even though it is early! We love her.
all the time. :D
Oh happy day!!