Sunday, January 8, 2012

changed the title.

Yes, Yes I did. I felt it needed to be a little more like the URL and kinda reflect how I feel a bit more instead of just being a silly name. So I changed it.
Changes in life cause Changes online. Get used to it dearies!

Oh Happy Day.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

He's got guts.

Last night.
I went to a movie, spent an hour at his house, and got kissed on my porch. No, not the awkward first kiss peck. KISSED.
How did he do it? He got the guts pretty fast.
I gave him a hug, said goodnight, and he gave me the funniest face....
I (spur of the moment) thought to say, "Do you need me to quote a country song at you?"(Are you gonna kiss me or not?)
He looked at me and very boldly responded, "No. Can I give you a kiss?"
So sweet. I love boys who don't feel that pessimism is their best friend. Seriously he got me out of the funk I have been in for almost a year, just by being there and making me feel amazing.
I didn't sleep last night, cuz I'm a weirdo and I have issues after a shock like that.
He totally just lost $100. He doesn't care.