Friday, December 30, 2011

I'm a T-BIRD!!!!!

I'll have you know that I have received my acceptance letter to SUU.
I'll have you know that I have also received the Founders Scholarship to said school and have a vocal audition scheduled!.
I am so excited for life, but so afraid at the same time.
I don't know what I would do right now without my supporting family and friends. The closest people to me are the ones I push the most and I just want them to know how much I love them. They carry me through everything I have ever endeavored to do.

4 Hours away from home is gonna be different but I'm gonna cope. I will cross that bridge when I come to it. But for right now I'm going to spend my time with those I care about and have fun. It's my senior year! I might as well enjoy it and save some memories.

Oh happy day!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Day

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!

Ah Christmas, and what I got early??

So this week has been interesting...As of Wednesday I have a boyfriend who really is the sweetest. We both knew the other one liked us, but we were just best friends. By Wednesday night that changed. basically we had been saying all day all the things we liked about each other just when they came up and stuff. So I had a Chamber Choir party that night and just before the party started I told him I had to go. He said I love you in his response. I showed a dear friend of mine and she said to tell him "Courtney says that you shouldn't say that until you tell me what we are" When I got home from my party which was not actually the greatest because I had to sit through Elf putting up with people who have no common courtesy. No naming names now. BUT back on track. Scott and I got back to texting and he said (and this is an exact quote) "Are we something?..imean.... I am shaking so bad dang it.... Corlissa do you want to be something or...I am butchering this =S  "
That is how this whole thing started, so on Friday we already had a date planned so this had nothing to do with us being a 'couple', but it was rather fortuitous. We went to classic skating where we held hands a lot of the time and we managed to almost get me a concussion using his shoulder. Afterward everyone decided to go offroading in Jesse's truck....this was an also gave Scott a reason to put his arm around me and be all cute. Meanwhile Scott is getting annoyed at his brother because he is texting him about something apparently unimportant although it actually is. Scott has a 'bet' (for lack of a better term) with his mother that if he does not kiss a girl during high school he gets $100. HE DID NOT KISS ME! just so you all know. Although he did admit after that he wanted to. 
So today. I spent the entire day texting Scott which is nothing new, we have been texting since he got his phone, but I was also texting his brother Kayden. Kayden decided to interrogate me about kissing Scott. (did i want to, if he did kiss me would i back out, have i been kissed before, etc) Scott actually has seen all of these texts. Kayden asked me and got me to answer the question Do you want Scott to kiss you? and he weedled permission out of me to show Scott this message...well Scott and I continued talking and then he asked me the same question and I responded with something like You already know Kayden showed you silly. But he wanted to hear it from me. I told him that yes I did, but I didn't want him to feel obligated. Scott completely lost composure. He starts freaking out. I get a text from Kayden that says YOU STOLE MY BROTHER! apparently Scott had a complete party He said he shot off to the moon haha He was on cloud nine the rest of the night and my nerves were shot from saying what I said. 
Also Scott came over before the complete freak out and gave me my Christmas present which he said is to keep me warm when he isn't here to do that <3 sweet huh. It's a green fleece blanket that he tied himself today it is really warm and I don't know why I have been fixating on this with Scott, but it smells like him. 
So that has been my week. 

  • Scott is gonna lose 100$ pretty soon because of me. 
  • I have a boyfriend who actually makes me happy instead of the other way around. 
  • And I'm more excited to go take pictures with friends next week than I am for Christmas. 
  • Oh and I'm going to the big New Years stake dance for the first time with Scott and Justin! :D

Oh Happy Day!!
(PS I have some non boy related info that wouldn't have worked in this post, I'll share it on Monday or something)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I stole his jacket...

Preference was uber fun; just sos everyone knows!
Jumping forward a bit tho, that is not what this post is actually about!!
Wednesday! woot. Scott decided I was too cold to be going in the choir room because there is no heat in there, so he lent me his swim team jacket. I promise I did try to give it back twice on wednesday (when school ended, and then when we went skating that night) but he just kept giving it back. Now this jacket is extremely nice and I really like it, but I kinda feel guilty that we are now on break and I still have it... haha
On Thursday I had a complete realization that he AND Justin both like me...One problem, I feel like a jerk cuz I hang out with both of them together and I have a preference of the two.
I bet you can guess who the better off one is considering I have his jacket, and he made me a wooden CTR ring.
On Friday I sang the National Anthem for a basket ball game at the school and then I drove Scott home so he could go play World of Warcraft with his cousin and brother for three days straight. I hate World of Warcraft at this point. And he doesn't have a phone, so I'm kinda really glad I have his jacket cuz I miss him...........
We are going on another date next Friday; that is what I am anticipating right now so no worries, I have something to look forward to. :)
Think I have finally moved on and I could give NG a definite nope! :D A crush that I've really had for a couple years, but didn't realize till recently has just taken off and I'm a bit twitterpated!!

Oh Happy Day!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh the pain.

Today has been painful. In more than one sense of the word. I didn't get to go hope between 6:20 AM and 10 PM I had choir concerts all afternoon and I am required to wear heels to pretend I'm the tallest girl in Chamber...Lame. Needless to say my feet are killing me all the way up my shins. I faceplanted off the steps backstage also, luckily over the years I have learned how to fall correctly haha.
Today was free drink day at harts....I elected to get Cherry Coke, which really isn't the best choice for memories sake but whatever. So emotional damage a bit.
I have written lyrics for the first time in a while. They are about a friend of mine and the feelings between us after he cussed me out for no reason. They are actually rather good, and since then we have fixed our friendship a bit and he even read the lyrics and knows how I feel even though I don't say it.
Dear NG decided to ask me today about a certain boy and if I still like him, I'm happy to say it wasn't an immediate yes, but I could not honestly sincerely say NO. My bad for being a failure at moving on. I'm trying to get the mindset that boys really don't matter, but that's kinda failing but oh well I'll just fake it till I make it.
Yay one more concert tomorrow. Oh the joy......

oh happy day...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

HAH! Done!

Finished all three Apps. Made it into My Fair Lady (as ensemble)
The Messiah Performance was last night :D I haven't been able to view the entire video due to the fact that my batteries are dying :P But when I do I will post the video. Apparently I was the only soloist to smile at the conductor or smile at all...which is new for me. I have been working on my facial expressions and apparently it's paying off cuz last night I was purely joyful.
This morning should be fun! I'm going with a couple friends to plan Preference! So excited for that. I'm going with one of my best friends which should be awesome.
I got cussed out on Monday by one of my 'best friends' he then apologized on Friday...I haven't forgiven him completely yet cuz he was out of line completely.
Overall December is turning out to be a really great month!
Oh happy day!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am freaking back!!!!
(not that anyone realized I was gone, but still)
I get to amazingly chronicle the joys of college apps, and play auditions, and everything under the sun. Your entertainment is not mandatory but it should be a fun journey so stay tuned.
I have an audition on Monday.
I am auditioning for the musical My Fair Lady which I have wanted to be in since I was 7. Wish me luck I have to do a monologue for the first time in my life and not botch my audition!
Also coming up soon is the PGCity messiah! I auditioned for a solo again this year and got the three soprano recitatives. I have a practice with the orchestra on saturday morning and then sunday with the whole ensemble!
My father has been setting up an appointment for me to go to a recording studio! I'm so excited and I hope I can work it out! I'm pretty sure, also, that there will be a creations contest for seminary pretty soon too and I already have a rough draft of a song!! yup spiritual music and talent is always amazing.
This is what listening to Klove on 107.5 does to me! I become inspired and do my own thing!!!
Oh good. Life is moving forward.

Oh happy day!!

UUh My bad...

after stressing about end of term and exhaustion I have just returned to my blog to find myself a failure at deadlines...
I give myself deadlines and then don't keep them.
Creeper story, even though it has been over a month.
While in Cedar City I had the wonderful opportunity to watch several other chamber choirs from other schools perform.There was a lapse in performances near the end and I was standing around waiting to work with Mr. Wilcock on our pieces. So...I was over talking to some people that I had met last year from tuachan choir. While I was standing there i saw this boy turn around, make the most amazed face, and run around to the back row of chairs and stand by me. The first sentence out of his mouth was,"hey, I just wanted to join your conversation." He stood there talking to us for a minutes and then the final choir came in to sing. (this is where it gets really hilarious)
 We sat down so that we could be respectful and listen, his chair was about 3 feet away....when they started singing.
He gradually scooted closer.when I finally gave him a funny face because of it he said, "just scootin closer" creepo right.
At the point that he was basically on my lap and I was basically on Adam (Hall)'s. Christian (Hein) leaned over to me and said,"i'm not sure if he's flirting with adam or you..." he then instructed me to lay my hand on my lap like I wanted him to hold it...uh yeah didn't do that. for ovbvious reasons...
Adam at that moment was demonstrating what Christian wanted me to do and Christian decided that it would be a better idea for me to hold Adams hand. I actually ended up going along with that plan cuz it wasn't totally out of my comfort zone because if any of you know these two boys they are both really charming and silly. So I held hands with Adam.... Tuachan kid then became extremely awkward and bounced his leg and cleared his throat but did not move! Oy crazazies.
The rest of the weekend I jokingly freaked out whenever we saw Tuacahn students.
At the awards ceremony I figured out where Tuacahn was sitting. I personally was sitting up in the very top of the arena and had my freaking bright red hair highlighted by the white washed wall behind me. Every single time that Pleasant Grove won something Creeper dude stood up and stared right at me and clapped...awkwarder! AAAAAAAh Oh the freakiness of people. I now have a problem with guys with long hair who flip it out of their faces and have fingernails longer than mine :P YUCK.
A friend not long after told me that I was a stud finder and I decided I was more of an awkward-teenage-boy-with-creeper-tenancies Magnet.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I'm slow...

I'm slow, and tired, and lazy, and writing last weeks post tomorrow.
Yes I'm procrastinating. too bad i dunno.
This song kind of explains my emotional state right now.
Good night, Oh and Happy Day!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

YUP tis STILL me :D

Yes this is my blog and I will post twice in 20 minutes! (get over it)
I decided my blog needed a major face lift and I'm not done so it will continue to change (much like the utah roads)
I went to Shakespeare Competition this weekend and will be recounting that tomorrow. I'm avoiding the concept of any depressive nature reaching my blog too many times so just tell me if you read this and don't laugh sometimes :D
Tomorrows post will have you rolling if you find creepy boys somewhat hilarous because that is what I had to deal with while in cedar city and our solution (mine adams and christians) was rather silly!
this blog should have comedy and music galore! (notice I have two playlists) and should not dwell on the dimness of certain teenage boys although it will sometimes due to the fact that this is supposed to be the blog of a normal teenage girl with normal problems (not supposed to be, it IS) You will also be expected to read the lyrics posted and actually take note of the continuity and artistry thereof and help me with the lacking natures of my musicianship! <3
Hugs and kisses guys and keep reading cuz life gets better!

OH happy day!!!!

Just Read something I needed greatly

Sometimes I feel like I never move on. has anybody else felt this way?
I just spent an entire weekend around the one person that hurts me and doesn't know it and I didn't know what to do.
I then came home and read my dear friends blog and here is what she had to say,
 "maybe just because I felt like that one step I had taken forward had just taken 10 more back. But, now that I think about it, it's actually quite hilarious. And, that step I took forward? Yeah, it's still there." 
Quite honestly I'm trying people! but sometimes it seems nigh impossible. He doesn't get it, but I hope you know where I'm coming from.

happy day

Monday, September 26, 2011

Ya. This is my life. Just the basics.

So basically I have been having soo much fun!
I went to homecoming, made funny faces, went hiking this weekend, Etc!
Why yes I did make this fabulous Bout!

Funny Faces, I told you!

Aw Cute Picture! too bad I have issues haha

I finally have Pictures to put on here! are you proud of me??
And then there was the hiking adventure with Jessie, Brooke, and Chris.
Yes we are smart...

Yay for best friends to go hiking on a whim

I really enjoy this picture


My awesome socks!

yeah, big tough guy aint he

Interesting experience

Oh happy day! (had to add this you know!)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

that's it.

I had a wonderful saturday. and friday for that matter...why did my body have to ruin this weekend by making me sick? Why can't I just calm down? I'm pretty sure I made myself sick :(
I give up. That's it. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be sick just cuz of my inner turmoil. Who came up with this? I guess I shouldn't complain cuz it really is my fault, but I don't want to me sick and I'm just frustrated. BLAH!!
Oh dear how I wish I were calmer haha
well night.
Oh happy day.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What IS it?

What is it that makes calculus fun? I know that probably sounds weird, but honestly depending on the day calculus can be exciting and exhilarating.
I just finished my homework. It took me a little while but I got 100% on it so yay for me!

Also, what is it with my house? Seriously. I swear something is always being worked on.
We took the carpet out of the hall, we remodeled my room, and then we discovered our sunroom floor was rotten and we have to have the entire thing redone. The next day we left the sprinklers on and flooded the basement. Oh what an adventure.

What is it with people these days.  I have discovered in my measly 17 years that people can be brutal and oblivious. Living with the fact that I don't fit into my young women's group, faking my way through social situations because I feel like I don't fit in, and being treated like I'm going inactive after an entire 2 years back in YW! The last time I went to mutual (2 weeks ago) I had to leave early for an appointment and my leader pulled me aside and said "Corlissa, you have been doing so well at coming to mutual" If she really knew how cliquey those girls are she would be appalled that she said something like that to me. Honestly I was hurt. No I didn't intentionally miss the last two weeks I just have been uber busy and haven't really been up to pretending I fit in after the stress of doing it during school.
Ok I guess I fit in at school but it feels like I don't sometimes.
(by the way I skipped out on mutual for about 6 months and still finished my personal progress with two and a half years to spare. and I started over)
Oh the fear of rejection how we all love it!

take a breath and breathe
take a look and see
all you need is me, 
all you need is me
~ All You Need- The Gibbons ( one of my favorite bands, you won't find them on youtube sadly)

Oh happy day!

Monday, August 29, 2011


I am done with the "poor poor pitiful me posts"!!!!!! I feel like I'm some petulant child.  Things are what they are! If they change good for them If they don't who cares?
SO this is my official start of school year wonderful post as it is the first post at the beginning of a school year and this is a run on sentence.
I basically love most of my classes. MOST of them calculus not so much...
I have discovered that having no set group of friends is somewhat problematic when it comes to many social situations. such as what to do during lunch. today I resorted to walking down the drag and visiting my grandmother.....that is the height of fantastic...ness.
I generally meander around the school greeting all the awesome people I wish I was a better friend to. all wishful thinking.
I tried for homecoming pageant choir rep today...that was interesting. I made it through almost to the last round of voting. I was actually kinda glad cuz where was I gonna pull a skit from? my chungs? (that was for you sis)
I love the fact that my friend keeps getting mad at me for being so negative. He keeps coming up with these silly things to say to me such as... Corlissa, you are the best singer in the school. Lots of people say it. And you are beautiful and should just remember it....
Crazy buddy. I can believe the beautiful part but only cuz I say that to myself in the mirror every morning cuz I was told to during YASE. The best singer part, I beg to differ!
Oh the joy of high school and insecurity. Get over it. (I also say that to myself all the time)

LOVE ME!!!!!!!!
OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

On a Day Like Today.

Basically on a day like today I would like to just snuggle down in my bed with a book. I had to make do with the car but the book I was reading was not helping. I shall explain.
Today I realized, finally, that my dear PT Cruiser is gone. It isn't so much that it is gone that makes me immeasurably sad but the memories that I miss.
  • Being hit with a spoon because someone decided throwing his pudding cup top out the window was a good idea
  • my car being called the "blue zit" which I shall take as a term of endearment.
  • running everywhere in that car cuz it was easier to handle.
  • parking cllleeeaaar down the walmart parking lot and getting guff for it
  • dropping my phone in the cup holder which was full of water and still having the best birthday of my life.
  • squiggly driving with my sister cuz that's what we did
  • Kissing in the headlights.
  • etc.
I took for granted all those fun things til I had those memories hit me today.
The reason the book I was reading was making life harder is cuz I happened to be reading "Charlie St.Cloud" I was told months ago to see the movie but haven't yet. Borders was having a sale so I bought the book and use a picture of the person whose favorite movie it is as a bookmark. (that probably sounds weird)
He doesn't know I'm reading it. He would probably freak out because I'm READING it haha
But sadly he doesn't really have a say in what I do till he actually says something

On a day like today I cried.

oh happy day

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My daddy traded in the beautiful blue cruiser
That's sad.

Monday, August 22, 2011

all sorts of stuff on dads phone ;)

I am currently at the kengarff dealership.
My wisdom teeth are gone, my jaw is semi working, my dad and I went on an excursion to look at cars for fun and actually are trading in our truck for a new dark gray one. Fun fun!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

This ones for you!

<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Dear Michael Milkanin,
Thank you for sharing this song with me.
And thank you so much for your amazing support and talent and all the things you taught me.

To all of the rest of you,
This song helped me through a hard time that no one knew was really hard for me.
I hid what I was feeling and this song somehow made it all better.

This ones for you!
All of you

Oh HAPPY Day!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

One Moment

(an original [crappy] lyric by Corlissa Jensen)
I don't want to hear another song
Like the ones I heard today
I don't want to say the things I said
I want you to explain
But you already have.
Give me one moment
To say how I feel
give me one second
To change your mind
Just give me one chance to turn your head
and say
...I miss you
Don't let me hold you back
Like I have in the past
Don't let me hurt you or me
Like I know I am
I want to change who I was
But still to stay the same
Give me one moment
To say how I feel
Give me one second
To change your mind
Just give me one chance to turn your head
and say
I look back and I see you
I see who I was and who I am now
Nothing I can say can bring that back
But I don't want to hurt myself anymore
I'm not a masochist
so make up your mind
(la fin)
Give me one moment
give me one second
don't let me humiliate who I am
Just let me say this once
I just miss


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

YASE...Best week? DUH

Last week I went to YASE camp at BYU. twas awesome. That is all I can say.
Monday:auditions...we won't go into that ey.
Tuesday: exhausting dance class. (dear michael, if you were aiming to make me tired...mission accomplished)
Entertainers showcase.I totally nailed my number thank you. Even Randy Boothe the man in charge said so...oh I'm sooo not being modest at the moment.....
Wednesday: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Amazing! Hilarious!
Thursday: Dance I even got up the nerve to ask someone totally awesome/hilarious/attractive/tall to dance. Which yes I am proud of :) The fireside as always was fantastic but the spirit this year hit me really hard.  It may have been the songs considering I sang two of them this past year or it may have been what was going on in my life, but either way it was perfect.
Friday was the big performance. some of the people I invited did not show so after the first performance I was suprised to see completely different people. I was hurt but that's ok some things don't work out.
I sang my solo number (don't rain on my parade) in the concert and didn't nail it as well partially because I was out of breath even before I went on stage :(
Thank you to everyone who believed in me and helped me.  and thanks to everyone who made last week a completely perfect experience.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's Just Life.

As I attended Young Ambassadors camp this last week, I was going with several fears. The fear of not making friends. The fear of my voice failing me. The fear of losing my composure in front of people I barely knew. Etc.
My saturday night last week kinda fell apart but it was ok after I started YASE and tried to forget.
I made friends. more than I can count.
My voice didn't fail me. Not really suprising.
But I did lose my composure. I cried my eyes out on thursday when the YA's sang for our fireside. Which I always do, but 'Where can I turn for peace' hit me really hard because that was how I was feeling and I have sang that song in church and it is very dear to my heart. 
I almost lost it Friday night also when I found out after the first show that my 'best friend' the one who caused me much stress on saturday had not shown up. I was hurt and tried very hard to hide it.  I did fine till a friend came up and asked me if I was ok.  Nice move.  (thank you, Dillon)
haha When I told him what was going on he responded with "boys are stupid" which was really funny coming from him. 
I went on for the second show and the meaning of one of the songs hit me. It's just life. You can do whatever you want with it. It is your life. When you are down, you still have the strength to go on, even if it takes you a friends comment to do it.
I will write my entire synopsis of Yase tomorrow....maybe....if I remember.
But for now.....


Saturday, July 2, 2011

My week-and-a-half

Youth conference was last weekend.
Thursday night: great pool party! hangin out with Joe Carringella, Jessie Pusey, Sue Wilcox, and Taran Perry. Extremely fun except for the lack of sunshine. there were several hilarious quotes especially when Jessie and I went driving after.
Friday: One of the most exhausting days of fun I have ever had. We did several activities throughout the day including steal the flag, dodge ball, rock climbing, geo caching, boche, and a lovely game dealing with gospel principles.  Steal the flag was fun i'm not gonna lie, but it was dangerous and bad for me. My thumb ultimately ended up sprained and I am STILL in a brace which is annoying as can be. 
At the end of the activities I walked home and lay down for about 15 minutes and then began getting ready for the evening activities.  We had dinner and then had a dance that I thought would probably be a flop, but it wasn't.
Every couple songs there was a slow dance and I was asked every time it was guys choice, (no not by one person, he happened to not be there) before the dance even started we got to learn a few swing dancing steps which was interesting.  I was paired for a little while with a guy named Jake. Later in the dance he came and asked me to dance. I looked at him and said " you already know i'm not great at partner dancing, do you have a death wish?" to which he replied "No you're good, and I don't care" OK? Dj-ing for the dance was Joe, I helped with that and had a lot of fun.
The next day we met at the temple at 8 to go do service projects. That was enjoyable and hilarious.  The boys couldn't fix a weed whacker so I helped  and they were too lazy to read the instructions to start one so that fell to me also haha. It's hilarious when the boys don't get it and are amazed that a girl can work a weed whacker. Then they broke it....
On to this week. 
Apparently communication has completely failed Not because of me that's for sure. 
Sunday: singing in church with the ward choir
Monday: absolutely nothing happened...really. oh wait i just remembered that night my parents had a meeting upstairs in our house so i went downstairs and watched a chick flick all by myself 
Tuesday: was a pretty good day really. I went shopping in the evening with my parents I was just gonna get some cheap keds knockoffs when my dad found a fun sundress he liked so we bought that too.  That night my sis and i went to walmart and bought mnm shirts Way fun!!
Wednesday was mutual and I read an entire book instead of texting. Someone would be appalled
Thursday was just lovely with reading and little chores. I did nothing
Yesterday i went to the dump, made potatoe salad and guacamole and then went to a beekeepers meeting.
Today is basically the same I feel like crap and am still fearful that i have done something but oh well.
Oh dear I must end this veery long post as my thumb is throbbing

Oh happy-ish day

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I used to be afraid of the dark,
afraid of spiders,
afraid of heights.
I miss when life was that simple
Making friends was easy for me, 
I was afraid of tangible things.
Now it's very different. 
Why did it have to change?

My Dear Girl:

No naming names, but you know who you are.

My dear girl, I love you so! You have helped me be confident in who I am even when I wasn't sure what kind of person I was.  You are so spunky and you make me laugh. I wish you would tell me what you are going through because I worry to the point of anxiety about everything.  I wish you only the best. You are one of the best friends that I have ever had and I hope you know this.  Thank you for being there for me through it all.  You are  there through the stories, the great times, and even through my irrationally emotional times.  I know I don't really make sense all the time, and I don't know how anyone puts up with me but you do and I love you for it.
Dear, you are a fantastic person and I want you to know that I am extremely happy to know you.

Love d'liss

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yet again with the Birthday theme

I have just discovered (by use of facebook and my ultimate genius) that my dear friend Katie's birthday is this very day!!!! I just want to wish her a happy birthday publicly because she is such an awesome girl!!!


yep yesterday was my birthday. altogether pretty good. but there were some really crappy parts.  I got in huge trouble for a few minutes and also I waterlogged my phone. Fail.  The lovely parts were extremely great. I got into Young Ambassadors Camp luckily and even got to go on a date.  Although I had to plan said date so my stress level was running high.  I really shouldn't play frisbee anymore, at least not with an extra large frisbee, that was almost hazardous to the health of those involved....
My phone is sitting on the counter covered in rice but luckily my mother has entrusted me with the box of cast off cell phones and I just placed my sim card in a red blackberry.  I am currently somewhat resenting the state of montana. I won't explain why because it makes me sound like a whimp and also makes me seem extremely self centered which I try not to be.
I have now decided that I must concern people because I frequently get asked the question 'are you ok?' and then end up with inquiries as to if i am lying about being ok.  It is actually quite hilarious. 
For my birthday I got a Utah state t shirt which is really very cool, a guide to speaking with a cockney accent so I can practice for my fair lady, and I also got a beautiful necklace and the most fantastic bouquet of flowers.
All in all a pretty dang good day

and by the way mini golf is not something i should do on a regular basis...

Oh happy freakin day

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Life as I knew it.

To school by 6 am study hard till lunch then walk around aimlessly just enjoying company
More school till 2:15
Get a ride out of someone....generally the same person every day, making me feel like a nag
Then study and do chores for the rest of the evening....
Till all that changed.
Two days into summer and I am already desperate for companionship.  I even kidnapped people on friday night and on thursday had a party. I am so pathetic
My birthday is coming up, I should be doing something fun about three days after when the weekend finally hits.
Hopefully the people I want to invite won't be busy.
It's always joyful in June.  My sisters birthday, then flagday and my birthday the same day, then Fathers day and my grandfathers birthday, what shall I do? and to add to it I have to get senior pictures? oh dearie.
My life has changed, hard to say for the better or worse, but I'm sure it will change again.
The joys of having bees are now very hard to see since we split two hives and I got stung several times that's a negative that I wish didn't happen, but at least I get honey in August. Tis all I have to say for now, I must go to a fireside....should be an adventure....I had to do something church related this summer or people may fear that I am going inactive (psh who would fear that, they don't even notice me) Youth conference might as well make up for my skipping camp.

Oh happy day!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Going to school this morning? Completely pointless! I drove up the drag, saw the parking lot and left immediately.  If I were to have parked I would have had to walk all the way up from the very bottom of the drag past loads of empty spaces, because I don't have a sticker, and walk into Chamber to find......nobody.
I showed up for school for a total of five seconds and gave up on that plan. 
I also discovered that if I am to go visit my mother at work today, I apparently have to stop in the front office for a visitors pass. People have been visiting the school and being disruptive.  I have never had to do this before considering the fact that I am Mrs.Jensen's daughter, but whatever
Nutsoid people.
In case you hadn't noticed, I added a few things. I decided that my blog was slightly boring so I added a bit of music and a fish tank. I'm not going to tell you what my mother called the fish because it wasn't appropriate but my dad says they look like tadpoles...ok
Yay for days that I have nothing to do! I will possibly go out to lunch, but that depends on outside sources and may not be possible as I am not in charge. (of course I'm never in charge but that is beside the point)

Oh happy day!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Most normal people....

Most normal people wouldn't mind that school is over
Most normal people would have something to do today
Most normal people have some idea of what they are doing this summer
Most normal people would not be alone at home writing on a blog when they could be out
Most normal people are not me.
My family has three cars but currently all of them are not home everyone in my family has a job except me
My plans for summer fell through when I found that registration for Young Ambassadors Camp was completely full...
I'm bone tired and wish I had something to do, but I don't.....lame me!
blah.  Dearest Kneaders, your food is great and so was the company, but I probably shouldn't have eaten all that early in the morning  oh well  :)
School is basically out!!!
I'm not going tomorrow!!
Thursday I just have to sing and that's it!!!
Maybe I'll do something fun with........this week!

Oh happy day!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


so sleeping in contacts for a week is not a good option. when you take them out it feels worse than when they were in.  I didn't feel like putting in new ones this morning so i'm a slacker.  So i miss people....I spent saturday through monday with people i either have nothing in common with or, nope that's it....even on sunday (in my own ward) This is the day that i need a hug. just because i miss life and people.
i have just decided that i should start writing lyrics again. and then i should get help finishing it up and maybe actually finish a song.....
I haven't written for so long! no i am not going to recap prom because it's basically extremely dear to me and i don't feel like sharing it with the whole world....even though sharing is good.                    ps I loved it!!
I look terrible. i'm wearing ripped shoes and a huge jacket it's called laziness  but my hair is nice cuz i used my sisters nice shampoo.  oooo

oh........happy day

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nicknames (and other ramblings of course!)

What is with the nicknames of today?  I really don't get the logic from some people!  I Have several nicknames as it were. Namely: d'liss, shorty, delicious etc. but there are some that are unexplainable! such as: sweet caroline and butter dish.  both of those have stories behind them, but neither one is really a suitable nickname!  I mean my boyfriend is the one who calls me butter dish....he says it's a term of endearment, but i know the truth!  He is just making fun of me in a 'nice' way....a butter dish fell on my foot and shattered (if you were wondering). The other comes from a teacher who works at the high school who 'forgot' my name and decided to start singing neil diamond at me every time he sees me....kindof odd.
Yet another nickname I just remembered, Corlissamo...pronounced core-lee-sa-moh.....I promise sincerely that my name is not of italian origin...although being italian would be awesome.
Also I do not understand teenage minds!! contrary to what seems to be popular belief, I am a dork! obviously my blog shows that....too bad no one reads it haha which makes me even dorkier. The kids in Chamber have decided I am doing the scatting solo in our concert, and people apparently keep telling Nate that they love me...I think they are just downright intimidated and refuse to cross either one of us! 

PS I love music! and the music played in Newspaper is amazing everytime! thank you Austin, Alex, Erin and Shauna!! Luv Yer Guts Guys!!!! (except Austin and Alex....cuz that could be odd..ish)

Oh happy day!!!
Love to all!  and of course I'm's what I do when nervous....two days!! (til prom)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


....I'm good at photography.
....People like me.
....Singing is something I'm good at.
....I'm not quite as offensive as I think I am.

In reference to my first statement, the reason I say this is that in newspaper this morning we received the results of a competition that we entered.  Mrs. Shelton announced each of our awards individually and I received a first place certificate for my features photography!! I would post the photo but I already decided not to post photos of people I don't really know.
And people have been telling Nate that they love me so apparently I'm not a completely despicable person.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I went to Logan with 'most' of the phantom cast from PG.  That was joyful! that's really all there is to say....I did not go to prom but get to on saturday!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yet again with the early morning newspaper. woot...and Erin has begun the screaming haha
Erin is hilarious. she picks fun music and is extremely animated even though it is early! We love her.
all the time. :D
Oh happy day!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Viking Idol

everybody should watch viking idol on friday during the spirit bowl. woot. that's just what i think cuz i'm selfcentered and want attention....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Know Where I've Been

Picked a different song!  but i couldn't find my karaoke disk. annoying
meaning I have to audition a Capella. I can pull it off but I don't want to! If i don't make it to the finals I have resolved that I don't care.  I know who I am! I don't really need to make it for my self esteem anyway it would just cause more stress than needed.
I am offensive! I swear if I offend the four most important people in my life anymore I will smack myself in the face!!!! My mother is getting really steamed up about my friggin attitude and I'm sure I have bugged Nate beyond comparison. If he hates me at some point it will hurt, but I will understand why :( oh the exhaustion of this week!

Oh Happy Day!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Minus Track

Oh minus track how I hate you!
You couldn't possibly cooperate.
why do you not have background vocals?
This is extremely aggravating!
I might as well not do Viking Idol!!

Worst poem ever!  The jist is that I got a minus /Karaoke track of Beautiful~Christina Aguilera. The fact is that the background vocals on the third vs aren't there so I either have to ignore them or just fake myself through it! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I'm going insane. My father says "you can make your own riffs then right"  or not cuz the verse still has to make some semblance of sense!!
oh Well  life seldom makes sense, why does music have to?

Oh happy day!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Random Journalish entry....

Wonderful....I could have driven myself to school had I realized my father was on spring break. I had to get a ride with someone who lives in the opposite direction from the school. oh well.  :)
School was OK but I fear that I may be getting more and more offensive.  Poor people who had to put up with me.  School is lovely....but at least it's almost friday.  My sister is coming home this weekend one problem, where am I gonna sleep? I don't have a bed!! seriously!  well I guess I can live with it.  I get a loft bed at the end of the month.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tennis?? and other sports

The situation with Newspaper is really stressful!  I have an article due on the 26 but the next tennis match isn't until that day.  ugh I am required to attend it for my grade. Luckily it is at PG which makes it easy to get to it.  One issue. I don't even know tennis.  Oh joy! First real sports article and I had to end up with a sport I know basically nothing about.
More on sports, I am supposed to go golfing at some point.... issue, my shoulder is messed up and has been for two years now. And I'm pretty sure taking me golfing could be detrimental to Nate's health... I'll probably hit him with the clubs...
I'm really worried about it, even though it should be fun I'm hesitant about doing embarrassing things with him. He even knows dorky stories from my childhood... which no I don't care to share online.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Spring break was a frenzy of painting a room, cleaning the frontroom, and having a double date with my parents... that was joyful 
Choir tour was a wonderful experience of California and disneyland for the first time
but now i'm doing history it's presidential bracketology to be exact.  My history teacher expects us to be able to study and evaluate 32 presidents to decide which one is the true champion.  This may sound like a simple task, but the first step is to narrow it down to 16 which is long and tedious... headaches don't help but oh well can't be helped.
school was simple today although I have to write an article about tennis, which I know nothing about.....wish I had another option but I don't. I'm up for sports articles so it's required...lovely
chamber choir tomorrow should be nice, and hopefully prom will work itself out cuz I give up!
Yay for amazing guys to figure this stuff out for me!! :D

Oh happy day!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chamber 'Festival'

I know it is referred to as a festival, but a lot of schools look at it as a chance to make fun of other choirs and show off.  Too bad no one can top yesterday for me.
Had festival yesterday and Conductor (we will call him that) asked ME to sing the solo!!!! AMAZING!!
I tried so hard to pull it off well.  I was told that I did really well by lots of people, it made me feel really good. We had a talk back on the bus, and everyone decided to scream at me. Hilarious but it turned into awkward when it became shouts of. . . never-mind . . . leaving you hanging.

I feel like I did pretty good.

Oh happy day!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Whoever came up with the idea that being at school at 6 am makes sense is obviously insane.  I am completely exhausted and don't want to be there.  Did anyone know that when Benjamin Franklin came up with the idea of daylight savings, HE WAS KIDDING!!  I am too tired for this day and daylight savings last week just makes it feel like 5.  Oh well, can't be helped! I guess i get to continue exhausting myself.  No, the world is not ending. I will be fine!!  I wish.... don't worry this morning is fine!
In case anyone was wondering,  there is a choir concert tonight. That should be lovely :)

Friday, March 18, 2011


The first post of my life! I give the credit all to myself. For some odd reason other people were incapable of being of service. New experiences seem to be my joy since finishing with my last big project, I might as well try.  Life may be a gift but it is crazy! Take today...I went to school, as usual, but the unusual part was staying there till 9:30 hanging out with awesome friends, and not so friend-like people.  Luckily I have the privilege of having my best friend there for me and a means of contact when things go wrong. Friends worry, but hopefully not in excess...