Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What IS it?

What is it that makes calculus fun? I know that probably sounds weird, but honestly depending on the day calculus can be exciting and exhilarating.
I just finished my homework. It took me a little while but I got 100% on it so yay for me!

Also, what is it with my house? Seriously. I swear something is always being worked on.
We took the carpet out of the hall, we remodeled my room, and then we discovered our sunroom floor was rotten and we have to have the entire thing redone. The next day we left the sprinklers on and flooded the basement. Oh what an adventure.

What is it with people these days.  I have discovered in my measly 17 years that people can be brutal and oblivious. Living with the fact that I don't fit into my young women's group, faking my way through social situations because I feel like I don't fit in, and being treated like I'm going inactive after an entire 2 years back in YW! The last time I went to mutual (2 weeks ago) I had to leave early for an appointment and my leader pulled me aside and said "Corlissa, you have been doing so well at coming to mutual" If she really knew how cliquey those girls are she would be appalled that she said something like that to me. Honestly I was hurt. No I didn't intentionally miss the last two weeks I just have been uber busy and haven't really been up to pretending I fit in after the stress of doing it during school.
Ok I guess I fit in at school but it feels like I don't sometimes.
(by the way I skipped out on mutual for about 6 months and still finished my personal progress with two and a half years to spare. and I started over)
Oh the fear of rejection how we all love it!

take a breath and breathe
take a look and see
all you need is me, 
all you need is me
~ All You Need- The Gibbons ( one of my favorite bands, you won't find them on youtube sadly)

Oh happy day!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Gibbsons I love the CD she gave us at YASE. Oh how I miss her cuteness and wanting to be a princess
