Sunday, June 5, 2011

Life as I knew it.

To school by 6 am study hard till lunch then walk around aimlessly just enjoying company
More school till 2:15
Get a ride out of someone....generally the same person every day, making me feel like a nag
Then study and do chores for the rest of the evening....
Till all that changed.
Two days into summer and I am already desperate for companionship.  I even kidnapped people on friday night and on thursday had a party. I am so pathetic
My birthday is coming up, I should be doing something fun about three days after when the weekend finally hits.
Hopefully the people I want to invite won't be busy.
It's always joyful in June.  My sisters birthday, then flagday and my birthday the same day, then Fathers day and my grandfathers birthday, what shall I do? and to add to it I have to get senior pictures? oh dearie.
My life has changed, hard to say for the better or worse, but I'm sure it will change again.
The joys of having bees are now very hard to see since we split two hives and I got stung several times that's a negative that I wish didn't happen, but at least I get honey in August. Tis all I have to say for now, I must go to a fireside....should be an adventure....I had to do something church related this summer or people may fear that I am going inactive (psh who would fear that, they don't even notice me) Youth conference might as well make up for my skipping camp.

Oh happy day!!

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