Wednesday, July 27, 2011

YASE...Best week? DUH

Last week I went to YASE camp at BYU. twas awesome. That is all I can say.
Monday:auditions...we won't go into that ey.
Tuesday: exhausting dance class. (dear michael, if you were aiming to make me tired...mission accomplished)
Entertainers showcase.I totally nailed my number thank you. Even Randy Boothe the man in charge said so...oh I'm sooo not being modest at the moment.....
Wednesday: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Amazing! Hilarious!
Thursday: Dance I even got up the nerve to ask someone totally awesome/hilarious/attractive/tall to dance. Which yes I am proud of :) The fireside as always was fantastic but the spirit this year hit me really hard.  It may have been the songs considering I sang two of them this past year or it may have been what was going on in my life, but either way it was perfect.
Friday was the big performance. some of the people I invited did not show so after the first performance I was suprised to see completely different people. I was hurt but that's ok some things don't work out.
I sang my solo number (don't rain on my parade) in the concert and didn't nail it as well partially because I was out of breath even before I went on stage :(
Thank you to everyone who believed in me and helped me.  and thanks to everyone who made last week a completely perfect experience.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's Just Life.

As I attended Young Ambassadors camp this last week, I was going with several fears. The fear of not making friends. The fear of my voice failing me. The fear of losing my composure in front of people I barely knew. Etc.
My saturday night last week kinda fell apart but it was ok after I started YASE and tried to forget.
I made friends. more than I can count.
My voice didn't fail me. Not really suprising.
But I did lose my composure. I cried my eyes out on thursday when the YA's sang for our fireside. Which I always do, but 'Where can I turn for peace' hit me really hard because that was how I was feeling and I have sang that song in church and it is very dear to my heart. 
I almost lost it Friday night also when I found out after the first show that my 'best friend' the one who caused me much stress on saturday had not shown up. I was hurt and tried very hard to hide it.  I did fine till a friend came up and asked me if I was ok.  Nice move.  (thank you, Dillon)
haha When I told him what was going on he responded with "boys are stupid" which was really funny coming from him. 
I went on for the second show and the meaning of one of the songs hit me. It's just life. You can do whatever you want with it. It is your life. When you are down, you still have the strength to go on, even if it takes you a friends comment to do it.
I will write my entire synopsis of Yase tomorrow....maybe....if I remember.
But for now.....


Saturday, July 2, 2011

My week-and-a-half

Youth conference was last weekend.
Thursday night: great pool party! hangin out with Joe Carringella, Jessie Pusey, Sue Wilcox, and Taran Perry. Extremely fun except for the lack of sunshine. there were several hilarious quotes especially when Jessie and I went driving after.
Friday: One of the most exhausting days of fun I have ever had. We did several activities throughout the day including steal the flag, dodge ball, rock climbing, geo caching, boche, and a lovely game dealing with gospel principles.  Steal the flag was fun i'm not gonna lie, but it was dangerous and bad for me. My thumb ultimately ended up sprained and I am STILL in a brace which is annoying as can be. 
At the end of the activities I walked home and lay down for about 15 minutes and then began getting ready for the evening activities.  We had dinner and then had a dance that I thought would probably be a flop, but it wasn't.
Every couple songs there was a slow dance and I was asked every time it was guys choice, (no not by one person, he happened to not be there) before the dance even started we got to learn a few swing dancing steps which was interesting.  I was paired for a little while with a guy named Jake. Later in the dance he came and asked me to dance. I looked at him and said " you already know i'm not great at partner dancing, do you have a death wish?" to which he replied "No you're good, and I don't care" OK? Dj-ing for the dance was Joe, I helped with that and had a lot of fun.
The next day we met at the temple at 8 to go do service projects. That was enjoyable and hilarious.  The boys couldn't fix a weed whacker so I helped  and they were too lazy to read the instructions to start one so that fell to me also haha. It's hilarious when the boys don't get it and are amazed that a girl can work a weed whacker. Then they broke it....
On to this week. 
Apparently communication has completely failed Not because of me that's for sure. 
Sunday: singing in church with the ward choir
Monday: absolutely nothing happened...really. oh wait i just remembered that night my parents had a meeting upstairs in our house so i went downstairs and watched a chick flick all by myself 
Tuesday: was a pretty good day really. I went shopping in the evening with my parents I was just gonna get some cheap keds knockoffs when my dad found a fun sundress he liked so we bought that too.  That night my sis and i went to walmart and bought mnm shirts Way fun!!
Wednesday was mutual and I read an entire book instead of texting. Someone would be appalled
Thursday was just lovely with reading and little chores. I did nothing
Yesterday i went to the dump, made potatoe salad and guacamole and then went to a beekeepers meeting.
Today is basically the same I feel like crap and am still fearful that i have done something but oh well.
Oh dear I must end this veery long post as my thumb is throbbing

Oh happy-ish day