Saturday, March 31, 2012

Values Introduction.

Starting tomorrow and going through a few Sundays I want to highlight one of the Young Women's Values each Sunday. I know that I will probably get a little off because I am slow, but I want to at least try. 
I am leaving soon for college and leaving my ward and I just want to highlight my beliefs and what I've learned so stay tuned I will try and post once every Sunday and end up with the value of Virtue and eventually my Testimony.
Thank you.

Oh happy day.
By the way, I will not be double posting on those days so if I have something else to say I will interject at the end of the posts.

Where is your right?

I found a direction that's right for me. 
Please don't judge my actions. 

Yeah, I've been put through hell and back, but you didn't know because I don't tend to share.
I've found a future that makes me happier than I've ever been. 
I've changed my own outlook on life.
I don't need to be told that I'm different; I know very well that I am.
"he will drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless woe"(Helaman 5:12)? oh, how well I know that.
But I climbed out. I dug my heels in and pulled harder than anyone knew and I changed my stars.
Your opinion of me doesn't really matter to me, I know the ones who really matter know what I really am. 
I know who I am
I am a daughter of My Heavenly Father; he has given me the strength to shine. 
So I will. 
That's right for me. 
He loves me for me, no matter what I say or do, He wants me to come home to Him and I plan on doing so. 
Whether you think I am on the right track or not is not highly important. 
I'm moving up.
This is right for me.
I found what's right.
Have you?
What's right for you?
I pray you find it, wherever you are.

Oh happy day

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Birthday Fail.

Happy Birthday Matt. I feel bad that I forgot your birthday was yesterday. Yes, I said forgot....I did. I tried to pass it off as a slip because I didn't see you, but that wasn't it. I just failed.
So Happy Birthday from me to you. Publicly. I shall apologize. Ugh. I told you I would remember and then I didn't. 

Love you Matt! Hope you know you are one of my best friends!

Other birthday news: I need help. What do you get a young man who is turning 18? I have NO idea and he isn't any help because if I ask he hugs me and says, "I already got everything I could ever want". I sincerely need your help friends!! 

By the way Matt, I have now mentioned you in my blog. Feel special?

Oh happy day! 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My obligatory Hunger Games post. and other ramblings.

Apparently people are currently REQUIRED to say something about Hunger Games so I guess this could count. Please Do Not Take Offense. I am sure the movie is well made, and I will see it eventually; it just isn't important to me right now.
 This is not a slam on what you enjoy, I just don't take kindly to being informed that I am "against normal" [rather loudly in the middle of class (immature-loud-mouth much?)] just because I am not enamored with a story about a distopian society where people kill each other for entertainment. I'm sorry the Love Triangle doesn't redeem it for me. I read all 3 books so please do not inform me that I don't know what I'm talking about. It just wasn't 'my cup of tea'. 

And a bit off subject, but No, I have not read George Orwell's 1984. That certainly does not mean that you have a right to tell me that I am uncultured and that I have never read classic Literature. I can assure you that I have.  Think through who you are slamming on and how she was brought up. My mother is an English teacher! 

Oh, I realize you could come up with millions of reasons why I am inferior to your vast intellect and maturity, but that wasn't a smart move. I know you are probably thinking how immature I am if you are reading this, but I haven't mentioned names and I am not incriminating you in any way. Just stating a fact and a flaw in your conduct. I know you think you're so funny and so smart, but really, SO AM I. I may have dropped Calculus, but that does not make me a complete imbecile. 

So thank you. You are so kind for giving me this chance to reflect on myself and my upbringing. I realize you have your tastes and I have mine, but please don't attempt to push your beliefs on me. They won't fit. And now I can realize just how stupid I was to take offense and move on and go back to being my positive happy self that I just recently got back. Thank you.

Love, D'liss. 
Sorry friends, this all had to be said just for my mental state and emotional balance. I apologize sincerely if this offended you in any way. No disrespect intended. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012