Wednesday, February 19, 2014

about gluten and school life

Approximately a week ago in the dining hall my friends and I were given comment cards to put our ideas and concerns about the food and service on. Many people do not know this or realize it, but I am "gluten intolerant" which means a couple things. 

The first is that I cannot eat much with wheat, rye, or barley in it.if I eat too much these grains begin to cause HAVOC on my body because of a little protein called gluten.

The second is that eating in public places is hard and slightly complicated and sometimes embarrassing because much of what is served has bread, or cream based soup, or crumbs, or simply has been contaminated by food that does have these things. 

I wrote several nice things about the service and the appearance of the place, but when it asked about the food I filled the entire space with ideas on bringing back the exclusively gluten free foods. 

I get very frustrated as I have a meal plan that allows me to eat in the dining hall twice a day. At the beginning of this semester the dining hall management decided that they were going to "revamp" their system. They began putting out different foods, they started putting hamburgers on buns for us, they dressed things up a bit more. It was all fine and dandy except that with this change the gluten-free section with breads and cookies and bagels and snacks.......was gone. This life bringing section has been missing all semester and I was beginning to get a bit flustered and upset at every meal trying to eat things that were "safe", until today!

The GLUTEN FREE FOODS WERE BACK AT LUNCH!!!!! I had a wonderful sandwich and I was so happy!  

OH Happy Day!!

(also, when I have time I am going to put together an informative post on gluten and the fad diet that I do not understand)

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