In case anyone should drive by and ask you, today has been an immensely long day. That isn't to say that it has been negative in any way, I actually had a wonderful day. I just am BEAT!!
I have simply been running all day and doing all sorts of things with little to no breaks in the midst of this insanity.
Started simple today: went to all my classes. Pretty straightforward right? then everything kinda piled on top of that in some sort of psycho-physical dogpile! After classes I: worked out, did my math homework on matrices, went to a housing tour,morehomework,dinnermissionariesvoicepracticeandcamehometobeexhaustedbeyondbelieforrecognition!!!!!!!
I believe it is safe to say that I am tired and need a bit of a break.....and it is only Monday. Only three more weeks. I Can Do This!!!!
Luckily I have the best support in the entire world. I can survive the rest of this insaneo semester and make it to 20!
I hope that everyone has the ability some time in their life to have support that can carry them through every trial that comes in their way.
Oh Happy Day of Days.
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